Saturday, April 30, 2005

Star Wars Holiday Special....

Oh God... I saw this being played at Toronto Comicon. After watching it, I realized how much I've under appreciated Episodes I and II. I mean the Star Wars Holiday Special is so bad... but I'm not sure if it's so bad it's funny. It may very well be just SO BAD.

Now if you excuse me, I have to erase this memory from my brain with alcohol. Good night.


Anonymous said...

But what about the Wookie porn? I know you want to see it just for that!

Anonymous said...

There are a couple of pages about the Star Wars Holiday Special in the 17th edition of "Uncle John's Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader" by the Bathroom Readers' Institute.

VERY interesting stuff about the holiday special. So special that I downloaded it. So far I've only watched the animated short, which introduces Boba Fett (remember that this was aired before Episode V.)

Your Lucas quote is essentially correct. He sold the idea to the network but he was too busy with Episode V to work on the holiday special. ABC left it to a bunch of novice writers who mostly worked on short-lived TV variety shows. Hence its crapness/crapiness.