Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Who wants finger food?

Okay, this is just crazy:
What the hell is going on here? I think the chili case is an orchestrated hoax. But this gets me to the rant about fast food service hitting a new low. People say that fast food itself is horrible, and I've come to accept that fact... but fast food SERVICE should be polite, fast, and finger-free. I don't think that's too much to ask for.

As a proud fast food consumer, I've noticed that service at fast food places is pretty bad. It consists of lazy apathetic workers who really don't want to be there. Now as crazy as this may sound, it was not always this way! I remember energetic smiling workers behind that counter a few years ago... and at one brief point in time, I was one of those workers! The fast food workers of today make almost twice what I used to make, but they seem to only work 1/4 as hard. Maybe the fast food companies are cutting down their employee training and motivation programs in an effort to save money. Well let me tell you that we're starting to notice.

I guess I'm making a different point than "Supersize Me" which called for healthier food options. I say damn healthier food options! If we wanted healthier food, we'd go somewhere else. I want better service! You guys sell FAST food. Make sure it's fast, and make sure it's with a smile. (And make sure there are no severed fingers too!) If you can pull that off, I will continue to eat your canceriffic slop.

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