Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Trying to solve the energy crisis.

So Dxmaxion World is (again) warning us about the oil shortage. Now watch as I single-handedly solve the approaching energy crisis through vague abstraction and over-simplification.
  • Genetic modification: We have developed microbes that break down oil from oil spills into smaller components. Well, I think we can design microbes that combine simpler molecules into usable fuels. How does that sound? Use plants to make tons of sugar. Use microbes to turn that sugar into ethanol and/or propane. That sound good?
  • Rampant nuclear power dependency: It's potentially the most dangerous, but probably one of the most efficient sources of power that mankind has available. Aircraft carriers are nuclear, and so are submarines. Whether you like it or not, it's the power source of the future. We just have to worry about the nuclear waste. Honestly, I think we have to look at nuclear waste because I know there's still gotta be some way to use it as a power source... sort of like nuclear recycling.
  • Solar power: Damn it, I really would like everyone to switch over to solar power, but it's just not efficient enough to solve a global energy crisis right now. I think we could increase of dependency on solar energy to power something besides our calculators. Honestly, for solar power to be truly efficient, we need solar collectors in space. The sun will be available 24/7 in space, and it won't be filtered through an atmosphere. Of course, the problem will be how to get the power from a space-based solar collector down to us. Any suggestions?
  • Fusion: Physics taunts us. Fusion would be awesome, if it weren't for the fact that it's so damn hard to do. We electrically split water into oxygen and hydrogen. We save the oxygen because it's handy. We use the hydrogen for fusion, which is even more efficient than our current nuclear fission process. We use the helium by-product to fill up colourful balloons. Sound like fun? You bet it does... now all we have to do is figure out how to actually pull this off because the amount of energy and pressure you need to get the fusion process started is downright unfair.
  • Screw the energy crisis. Bring on the Mad Max post-apocalyptic world: Buy the fastest hybrid convertible you can find, stock-up on leather clothes, and hunt down oil rigs on the highway with your closest friends. Despite everything, this is actually my favorite option. Bring on the leather thongs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Of course, the problem will be how to get the power from a space-based solar collector down to us. Any suggestions?"

Microwaves and lasers come to mind. Just make sure they don't miss ;)