Sunday, November 6, 2005

These jelly bracelets for/are cancer.

Hey, it raises money for cancer research. That's great. I'm all for medical research. I'm just sick of seeing these things. I mean everyone is wearing these things. They also have pink jelly bracelets for breast cancer research. They have white ones for eliminating poverty in Africa. They have blue ones, purple ones, green ones, red ones...

I went to SportChek and they had blue and green SportChek bracelets that had their name and logo, plus a motto: "The power of sport". Good Life Fitness also had a green jelly bracelet with their company name, and their own corporate-motto / inspiring-quote. While these bracelets are associated with their own charities, it's not really clear which one it's supporting. On the surface, it looks like it's just a promotional device for the company. Even the original LiveStrong yellow bracelet campaign is associated with Nike. (I don't own one, so I'm not sure if the swoosh is on the yellow bracelet or not... but I strongly suspect that it's there.)

Some jelly bracelets aren't even involved with any charity or cause. They are designed purely for fashion. It's become an out of control fad! That's my 2 cents on the whole jelly bracelet thing. I'm for fundraising for research and good social causes, but so help me... I'm sick of seeing everyone wearing those damn things.


Anonymous said...

I noticed from the very beginning that the majority of people that bought the LiveStrong bracelets were not following Lance Armstrong's active example. They would be dozing off in the subway, or smoking, or eating a greasy sausage, while wearing that bracelet. I guess the bracelets were a financial investment in their future rather than a source of inspiration.

Anonymous said...

You're sure that's not the One Ring?