"The success of the Decepticons was entirely dependent on my brilliant strategies," claimed Starscream, the Decepticon campaign manager. When the triumphant Megatron took the podium, he wasted no time. "Death to the Autobots!" he proclaimed. Reporters were on hand when Optimus Prime made the congratulatory phone call. Optimus was gracious in defeat, while Megatron taunted "You're a fool, Prime. This planet and all it's resources will be mine for the taking."
A lot of former Autobots ridings in the Maritimes were lost to the Quintessons and their savagely effective "Vote for us, or it's the Sharkticons for you" campaign. Since the Decepticons failed to win a majority government, the Autobots will need to work together with the Quintessons if they hope to stand up to the Decepticons. When the Quintesson leader was asked if he was open to negotiations with Optimus, he responded: "Yes... no... yes... no... feed him to the Sharkticons."
The new Junkion party failed to secure any seats once again. Despite a sound environmental policy based on recycling garbage, a lot of revolutionary Junkion ideas were ignored, partly due to the media's fixation on the Junkion leader's strange moustache and his incomprehensible speeches of television sound bites.

this blog doesn't make any sense. why would the autobots work with the quints? it would make more sense for the autobots to work with the orange junkions. the teel quintessons are separatists and don't like to work with anybody. apparently canadians were impressed with megatron's ability to fly and failed to see that underneath that winning smile was an evil diabolical robot.
The problem is that the Junkions didn't win any seats, so they have no leverage in Parliament. And then there's that whole crazy moustache issue...
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