Monday, May 14, 2007


If my life were a game of StarCraft, I would be here:
My main base has been feeling cramped. I've been stocking up on minerals and scouting around for a good expansion site. Looking for a quiet corner of the map with a mineral field, a vespene gas vent and a Zerg-free neighbourhood... nothing could be better. So my scouts have found something, and I want to build my new command center.

"We require more minerals."

Oh crap. I don't have enough minerals to create a command center! Well, I have enough to make a down payment on a command center, and take out a mortgage for the rest of it. I'll have to harvest more, but so I should be okay for it.

"SCV, good to go, sir. I can't build there, something's in the way."

What the heck? Oh yes, I have to take care of a few things before I can get my command center. I have to fax a few things and sign a few things. This is a pain in the butt, but I really want that expansion site. I've been putting all my resources towards my expansion site, and not creating new units or advancing up the tech tree. As long as nothing happens, everything is going to be okay.

"Your forces are under attack."

Yes, those monthly payments are going to be quite terrible... thank goodness I didn't go out and splurge on a shiny new Battlecruiser.

Base is under attack."

What? Is someone building their base right next to mine? Is it blocking my view? Is it bringing down the property value of my base? Is there an excess number of command centers on the map that will bring down the value of mine? So many questions! Well, once I have my expansion site up and running, I can focus on creating new units.

"Additional supply depots required."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...the joy of shopping for a new home!!

