Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joe the Plumber: Reach for the stars!!!

Joe Wurzelbacher (aka "Joe the Plumber") became an instant star during the final U.S. presidential debate. Unfortunately, Joe's new found fame gave him unwanted attention from the media. Thrust into the public spotlight, it was discovered that Joe has been cheating on his taxes and Joe isn't even a licensed plumber!

Like the Barack Obama and John McCain, I want to speak to you directly, Joe. Times are tough, but you need to be strong, my friend. Through adversity, men like you will become the heroes of tomorrow. In fact, one of my personal heroes started out as a common plumber. But through courage and determination, he became a symbol of hope for a generation. Do you know who that hero was? That hero... was MARIO of the Mario Brothers!

From his humble beginnings as an Italian plumber from Brooklyn, Mario was faced with many challenges... flying turtles, killer mushrooms, bottomless pits, and giant primates that throw barrels. Normal plumbers would fold under the stress... but extraordinary plumbers rise to the occasion.

With his new found confidence, Mario went back to school to study medicine. Mario finished at the top of his class, and gave the valedictorian speech during his graduation. Dr. Mario would later reflect that his career in medicine was one of his greatest personal accomplishments. "I've punched more blocks and killed more goombas than I can remember. But throwing pills to cure the sick... that is something I will never forget."

By challenging his personal limits, Mario became more than simply "Mario the Plumber". He became "Mario the Super" and "Mario the Invincible" and "Mario the Flying Raccoon". You can do it too, Joe the Plumber. Challenge yourself... and one day you become Joe the Flying Raccoon! As you have to do is reach for the stars... or the mushrooms... or whatever power items you happen to find.

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