Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fifty-five minutes after Midnight???

Scientists responsible for maintaining the infamous Doomsday Clock face the grim task of accommodating for daylight savings time this Sunday. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists will advance the Doomsday Clock one hour to a new time of 12:55am. This bold move puts our planet deep into the post-apocalyptic world.

"It's going to be pretty bad for a few months... at least until autumn, when we set the Doomsday Clock back an hour," remarked one scientist who refused to provide his name. Experts anticipate a sudden plunge into the post-apocalyptic conditions once the clock moves forward one hour. Remember that things will be alright as long as you can survive until autumn.


celestialspeedster said...

This just confirms my hatred of Daylight savings time. It used to just screw up my sleep and now, it's going to screw over the world.

Anonymous said...

Don't be hatin' on DST. It gives me more daylight to enjoy in the evening and it saves electricity since people will turn on their lights later in the evening. If anything, they should get rid of standard time and have DST all year round!