Thursday, August 13, 2009

Time travel: Not just for killer cyborgs anymore

If you're like me, you'd want The Time Traveler's Wife to be a movie based on Sarah Connor from Terminator. Truth be told, I have a love affair with movies about time travel. They include the Terminator 2, Back to the Future, ST: First Contact, Star Trek and even a casual reference to time travel in Napoleon Dynamite. Don't get me wrong though... there have been some terrible terrible movies about time travel as well. (Time Cop, The Butterfly Effect, and Sphere... to name a few.)

This leads me to The Time Traveler's Wife. I've seen the novel in bookstores for a while, and the title piqued my curiosity. It's a story that combines time travel with romance in a (hopefully) non-ridiculous way.* I decided not to pick up the novel, but now that the movie is about to be released... I'm going to watch it with Royal Pinguo! She was pretty shocked when I suggested it, actually. (In the same way I was shocked when she wanted to watch G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.)** I'll probably watch The Time Traveler's Wife this weekend, and I'll let you know how it goes.

On a side note, if you ever wanted to send a message to your future self, you have an opportunity to at FutureMail. It's a website with a simple concept... sending e-mails on a time delay. It has a variety of useful functions, like reminding me to buy the complete Harry Box movie box set when it comes out or writing a letter to myself on my 50th birthday. It's a fun and handy tool that Dr. Emmett Brown could have used at the end of Back to the Future II... if only they had internet in the wild west.

* Initially, I wasn't entirely sure that The Time Traveler's Wife was actually about the wife of a time traveler. I remember picking up The Life of Pi thinking it was a biography about the number Pi.

** Boy, if time travel were really possible, my future self would have come back to stop us from wasting our time and money on G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.


Anil U. said...

The Butterfly Effect was a good movie... The sequels not so much.

Flocons said...

Well, I saw The Time Traveler's Wife, and I liked it! Yes, the time travel component kept me very engaged, and it's good to see someone traveling through time who is not obsessed with resolving paradoxes or trying to change history. Basically it focused on the relationship with him and his wife... and their inter-personal conflicts. I was very engaged to the point where I was laughing out loud in a theatre full of really quiet movie-goers... in a scene that was deliberately funny. I was also "shushed" for the first time in a movie theatre. Despite this, I thought this movie was really good.