Saturday, January 7, 2006

Tagged: 5 weird things about me

Thanks to Dymaxion World, I have to mention 5 weird things about me. The scary part is that this is not all that difficult. The scarier part is that none of these things are really revelations to anyone who knows me.

  1. I have a pathological fixation on breakfast cereals, specifically corn flakes. While I have several different stories on how this came to be, none of them are actually true. There is no reason for this fixation.
  2. I participate in a semi-annual competition with my arch-nemesis. The RVD competitions are currently in their fourth incarnation, and show no sign of stopping. The sacred prize for these complicated events is an incredibly tacky pirate necklace that was purchased at Canada's Wonderland.
  3. I have encountered several people who share my name, likeness, and interests. While many would find this to be creepy in a Twilight Zone sort of way, I revel in it and contact these replicants in a warm and friendly manner. My closest replicant and designated back-up, should anything happen to me, is rc1978.
  4. I pride myself on being prepared for anything. For instance, should I be forced to send a friend of mine back through time to warn me about the future, I would sent Kostka. While most people would have to think about stuff like this at the last minute, there would be no hesitation on my part. I also like to select which of the nearby people I would be forced to eat first, should we ever get trapped in a survival scenario.
  5. I like to hover my fingers over people's eyelids while they are sleeping. The rumour of me sneaking into other people's rooms at night and smelling their hair is not true.... yet.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how you resisted smelling Ken's hair (picture Liu Kang of Mortal Kombat). He has so much!

Anonymous said...

Your fingers above people's eyelids?!? WHY???

You're a very strange man... And if I ever catch you sleeping, I will make sure to mess with you.

(Now if only you knew which of your friends had written this. You can never sleep AGAIN!)

Anonymous said...

Your designated back up takes better photographs then you do!