Saturday, January 21, 2006

Vote for change. Vote for Megatron!

Are you tired of hearing the same old broken promises from the Liberal government? The Decepticon Party thinks it's time for a change.

Megatron, our fearless leader, will fight for what he believes in. He believes in rebuilding our nation's military. He believes in finding renewable sources of energy. He believes in solving urban violence by being tough on crime, not tough on gun control. Megatron believes in the traditional definition of marriage. The Decepticons will lower your taxes in return for absolute civil obedience.

On election day, send the Liberals a message they can't ignore. Vote for change. Vote for Megatron: A leader who still functions.


Anonymous said...

Interesting... Megatron has uncannily similar helmet hair to Steven Harper - not to mention similar goals. Maybe they're related?

Anonymous said...

i thought megatron had a mullet. besides, you shouldn't look to giant transforming robots to solve your problems.

Anonymous said...

Which one are you referring to, Steven Harper or Megatron?

john said...

What, exactly is the Decepticon's traditional definition of marriage? One man and one car?

Anonymous said...

stephen harper is a giant transforming robot? hmm... maybe i should vote for him.

so why should i vote for megatron? there has been a lot of gun violence in toronto. where does he stand on that issue?

Anonymous said...

Megatron believes the "obliteration of enemies" strategy is the best response to gun violence.

The Decepticons do not recognize marriage between a man and a car, but we will allow civil unions between a man and a jet fighter, and some audio-visual devices on rare occasions.

Today is election day. Get out there and vote!

Anonymous said...

i will vote for megatron if he bans handguns requiring him to change his transformation mode... preferrably to a potted plant.