I'm here to defend an aging franchise that people seemed to have abandoned. It seems that the SciFi masses have all flocked to Battlestar Galactica like moths to the flame. They are quick to point out how it is far superior to Star Trek. Some examples below:
- On why Battlestar Galactica is good - Xiao Pangzi
- Where they've gone before... - Of No Import
- The Return of SF Blogging - Dymaxion World
Now I don't claim that ST:TNG is better than BS-Galactica. I'm saying that you can't compare the two. ST:TNG first aired in 1987. BS-Galactica comes almost 20 years later. ST:TNG and the other Star Trek franchises laid the groundwork for:
- Poker night with the crew: High stakes poker games between officers? Star Trek did it first.
- The enemy is among us: Cylons look human and feel human. This theme was explored when the Dominion went to war with the Alpha Quadrant. The shapeshifters were able to infiltrate and exploit their enemies, causing mass paranoia and panic.
- That poor bastard: You gotta feel sorry for Helo being stuck on Cylon-occupied Caprica as a pawn in some game... But it pales in comparison with the life of Geordi LaForge. Poor Geordi's been kidnapped, brainwashed, taken hostage, tortured, shot at pointblank range by a phaser by stupid aliens, and sent to his death for the good of the crew in a holographic simulation. At no point in time, did he ever have the chance to engage in sexual relations with a hot Cylon agent.
- Robot-on-human action: Before Cylons started banging BS-Galactica crew members, there was the scandalous Data and Tasha Yar incident.
- Break out the latex ears and foreheads: Star Trek has taken a lot of flak for their alien races looking like humans with prosthetic foreheads and ears. Well, there are no alien races in BS-Galactica thus far except for Cylons... and most of them look EXACTLY human.
- The relentless robots out to kill us all: Cylons. Borg. The Cylons like to play mind games, and have a knack for being just a few seconds too slow in destroying Galactica before it makes the FTL jump. Cylon fighters also seem to have a tough time against older model Vipers. The Borg are more frank and to the point: Join us or we'll destroy you. The Borg have laid the smack down on several civilizations, while the Cylons are still kinda working on wiping out their first one. The Borg adapt, and would probably find a more efficient way of destroying Galactica than attacking with only one mothership at a time, only to have it FTL jump away all the time.
While I am a ST:TNG fan and always will be, that first season of BSG was more exciting and visceral than anything put out by Trek (TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise) in 29 combined seasons.
We'll see if the revisioned BSG has staying power but it certainly has heart stopping, knees to the ground, eyes wide open power...oh wait, maybe I was just having a heart attack. :)
Other television series people might be interested in: Rome, House MD, Carnivale, Firefly...
Planet of the Apes kicks all your sci-fi wannabe's asses.
and not the Marky Mark version, the manly Charlton Heston version.
Nothing will ever beat the original Twilight Zone. Everything else pales in comparison. It was so good it didn't need any fancy special effects, story arcs, cliffhangers or even colour.
What about the Young and the Restless, people? It started in the 70s and it is still going strong with the hairspray.
Was Y&R a sci-fi show? I don't remember any sci-fi elements in it. Although on One Life to Live I do recall Clint traveling back in time to the old west.
I don't know about Y&R but Days of Our Lives definately had SciFi elements in it. How else could you explain people coming back to life and the appearances of otherworldly spirits?
They really accepted their SciFi roots when they filmed DOOL:The Voyage Home and DOOL:Insurrection.
DOOL and Y&R are fantasy not scifi!
True ground breaking SciFi revolves around Buck Rodgers in the 21st Century.
One thing that can be said in favour of Captain Picard: he sure keeps a .
...nice blog. I was supposed to say 'nice blog'! Damn you, HTML!
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