Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Don't let the door hit you on the way out

It's been a crazy 8 years. One of Bush's final acts as president was to shorten the prison terms of several people. (This is in contrast to Bill Clinton, who issued full pardons in his final hours.) Now that George W. Bush's infamous days as president are now over, would you grant Bush "clemency or pardon" for his mistakes as president?

At the end of the day, he is still a human being. Flawed and imperfect, did George Bush perform his duty as president to the best of his ability? In his own mind, George Bush did what was necessary to ensure the safety of America in the face of unprecedented crises. Some tough decisions had to be made, and he made them.

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

celestialspeedster said...

A man who spent 27% of his presidency on vacation cannot claim to have tried his best. When it came time for Bush to step up (9/11, Hurricane Katrina), he failed to act with intelligence or even compassion. A man who has remained so willfully ignorant while enjoying the power to inflict war on civilian populations does not deserve clemency nor pardon. Too often, his ego fed divisive politics instead of working across party lines for the benefit of Americans. And I would argue that he never made any tough decisions without his "loyal Bushies".
George W. Bush is not dead so I don't see why we have to treat him with kid gloves.