About two weeks ago, my friends and I were sitting around at the local pub, when Mike noticed a poster. The poster claimed that Captain Morgan would be visiting the pub on that very day at 9pm. It was 8pm, and we were already planning on leaving soon... but how could we pass up the opportunity to meet the legendary Captain Morgan?
We ordered another pitcher of beer and some nachos. We waited with anticipation. My girlfriend joined us, wondering why we were sitting around a table, drinking and waiting for a grown man dressed as a pirate to come bounding through the front door. Mike explained: "But it's the CAPTAIN!!! Arrrrrr!" As the minutes counted down, all eyes were on the door. Alas, there was nothing...
The crowds grew restless. The table next to ours broke out in a chant: "We want the captain! We want the captain!" Time passed, and we saw numerous people with beards, hats, or red clothes come through the door. Everytime, we were disappointed. One time there was a bearded old man who came in the door to ask the bartender something. He had a red sweater on, and looked like a Captain Morgan if he were homeless and living on the streets of Toronto for a few years. That couldn't be who we were waiting an hour to meet!
We asked the pub manager with geniune anger: "Where's the Captain? We were promised Captain Morgan!" The pub manager responded to us as if children were asking about Santa Claus. He explained to us that Captain Morgan was sailing toward us with full sails at top speed, bringing a cargo of fabulous prizes for everyone. Impressed by his ridiculous answer, and slightly drunk, I was content to wait until 10pm for Captain Morgan to arrive.
10pm came, and we called for the bill. We decided to take a look at the second floor before we left. As we climbed up the stairs, there arose such a clatter. My friends and I ran to see what was the matter. In the middle of the pub, was a man dressed all in red. Not jolly St. Nick, but Captain Morgan instead. We were all giddy with fatigue and alcohol. We originally wanted to mock and taunt Captain Morgan, but upon meeting with him, I must say that for a man dressed up in a pirate costume... he was quite respectable and friendly. We took photos, and the Captain's assistants gave us T-shirts and beer mugs.
Two restless hours of waiting had finally paid itself off. We all went home happy, with blinking red lanyard medallions that said "CAPTAIN & COLA!" So while many will say that the whole evening was ridiculous, I will have to say that it was absolutely that... and so much more. Arrrrrr!

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