Dear Generation Y,
You are upbeat about your future. Your creative and spirited sense of cooperation and optimism has rewarded you with success in childhood and education. You look forward to the working world, because you are the generation that will change the world!
Umm... I don't know how to say this to you, but the world is a cold harsh place. The cogs of the great machine will crush your optimism and spirit as you fight amongst yourselves for entry level jobs that pay very little. Your baby boomer parents have provided you with everything, but from hereonin, you will be provided with very little, and expected to fend for yourself. Good luck. That is all.
With angst-filled sincerity,
Generation X
1 comment:
Dear Generation Y,
Stop reading this silly blog, or you'll miss the soccer try-outs! Don't you dare disappoint me, Generation Y! I've invested far too much of my time and money for you to quit on me now...
Baby Boomers
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