When someone loses one of their senses, the other ones become more heightened to compensate. I've found that this is also the case with languages. When English is not the common tongue, I find that my lesser languages seem to improve slightly.
This was the case in Switzerland, where the common languages are German, French, and Italian. I really tried to learn basic German, but it was near impossible given my timelines. But after being surrounded by German for a week, I noticed that once I went to the French regions, the French I learned in high school really kicked in. I was extremely thankful of that.
In trying to learn Mandarin, I am noticing the same thing. My Cantonese is really stepping up to the plate, and helping me through the Mandarin. While the languages are different, there are still some similarities. Some words are almost the same... except the syllables are pronounced with "a Mandarin twist". The grammar and structure is almost the same in both languages.
Since babelfish don't really exist, I'm going to have to keep learning Mandarin the hard way. I just wanted to let you know that the best way to learn a language is to try to learn a second similar language that is harder. It will make the first language seem a lot easier.
Only you would come up with this twisted Ray-Logic. Please people, do not listen to this man. If you are going to try to learn a language, learn the actual language. Do not learn a different similar language before you try to learn the language you are actually trying to learn.
Anyway, good for you for trying to be Chinese. I've always said there aren't enough Chinese people in the world.
What happened to the Santa Claus Parade blog? I could have sworn it was here last night. At least that entry was less racist than this one. I don't know what you have against Laotians.
Those sandal-wearing goldfish farmers? Don't make me laugh!
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