You're enjoying a quiet candle lit dinner with the one you love. The food is good, the waiter is attentive, and everything is perfect. Suddenly, a shady character enters through the front door. He is a man of mystery... a wandering enigma... he's got long stem roses and glow-in-the-dark yo-yos. He is the creepy-rose-guy. There are so many questions I want answered:
- Who are these men who wander the restaurant districts of the city?
- How many roses and yo-yos could they possibly sell in a night?
- Why are their ranks filled exclusively of creepy old men with gruff voices?
- Who has charged them with the task of creeping out young lovers, hungry restaurant patrons, and drunken pub-goers?
- Who's idea was it to sell glow-in-the-dark yo-yos to adults?
- Are they part of George Bush's domestic spying program?
No doubt the Valentine's Day will only strengthen their resolve. They will descend upon the city in larger and creepier numbers. The night belongs to them! Be afraid!! Be very afraid!!!
Love the yo-yo and rose combination. If things don't work out and the rose isn't the way to go... at least you have a yo-yo to keep you entertained.
Though, honestly, what would any woman think after their date for the evening purchased the yo-yo? I'm guessing, "Hey, now that's worth a fling or two" isn't it!
P.S. Just how many yo-yos *can* you sell? Perhaps that a question only RVD5 can answer!
I prefer the rose guys to the creepy and fraudulent "deaf" guys who try to sell you slips of paper with badly printed sign language instruction.
Or how about those world weary underage kids who sell chocolate for "charity" (not to be confused with the school fundraisers)? Isn't there a law against blatant child labour or children commiting fraud?
At the least the rose guys are just selling you a rose, and not a sob story.
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