Thursday, September 14, 2006

Giant Lobster? Check!

There's nothing tackier than a roadside attraction. That being said, this giant lobster sculpture is the only reason why I ventured into New Brunswick last week. That's right. We literally drove into the province, stopped to take photos of the giant lobster, then drove out of the province.

Have any of you seen any cheesy roadside attractions? I've also seen the Big Apple, but it was not quite as fun as the Giant Lobster of Shediac, New Brunswick.


Vicki said...

Because apparently, Canada just has to have the largest roadside attractions around.

Anonymous said...

Giant lobster? Not interesting. What everyone wants to hear about is Anne of Green Gables!
What was Green Gables like?
Is Anne as spirited as they say?
Is Gilbert Blythe a dreamboat?