Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Nathan's July Fourth Hot Dog Eating Contest

Get ready folks! The big hot dog eating event is only weeks away. This year's 4th of July hot dog eating contest promises to be the most interesting. This is because Joey Chestnut (on the left in photo) seems posed to overthrow the legendary Kobayashi (on the right in photo) as winner of the Mustard Yellow belt.

Chestnut recently broke a world hot dog eating record during a qualifying event (that Kobayashi did not participate in) on the road to Nathan's, eating
59.5 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes. Kobayashi held the previous record of 53.75 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes.

Las Vegas odds favor Chestnut as the winner. At last check, Takeru Kobayashi had even odds of 1 to 1, while Joey Chestnut only pays back 4 to 5. These odds were posted in early June, but may change because of breaking news...

Kobayashi appears to be suffering from a competitive injury! Apparently he has been afflicted with arthritis of the jaw from training. More details can be found here. Can this be true? Or is Kobayashi playing mind games with Chestnut? Apparently, this injury causes great pain when Kobayashi opens his mouth and can only open his mouth wide enough to fit two fingers into it. Despite this, the champ still plans to attend the Nathan's Fourth of July event. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Competing along side these two front runners will be
Theyagarjan, the 7'8" tall champion hot dog eater from India. While he is not expected to win, he is one of the tallest competitive eaters in the world, and is a wild card of sorts. Nobody expected Kobayashi to take the IFOCE world by storm when he first competed at Nathan's so many years ago. The big event is only a week away, and will prove to be one of the most interesting competitions to date. Stay tuned for more details!


celestialspeedster said...

You should try to find a bar that shows the competition live. Make sure you order your food before the competition then join in on your own.

Anonymous said...

The guy on the left is about to hurl isn't this must really be a sport.