Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Joey Chestnut is the 2007 Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Champion!

It just happened a few minutes ago. Joey Chestnut wins the Mustard Yellow Belt, ending the winning streak of Kobayashi.

You can see how it came down on the live blog I was following:
AOL Sports

Or the blog I was following last year (and should have followed this year):

Apparently, it was pretty close. Chestnut took the early lead, but Kobayashi made up a lot of ground. Both went to surpass the current Nathan's record of 53.5 hot dogs. In the end, Chestnut won by half a dog. Also, Kobayashi appeared to have vomited, which is a disqualification if it leaves the mouth. Oh man, that's the ugly side of competitive eating...

1 comment:

Flocons said...

This will be my last competitive eating blog for a while, as I'm sure you're all saturated by now.

I wanted to leave you with a link to Kobayashi's blog, where he talks about his defeat and some person issues he's been going through.

Kobayashi's Blog