Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rock Band: Obama vs. Clinton

I've been following the Democratic leadership race: Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton! People are saying that the race is too close for either one to be declared the winner. In fact, people are starting to say that the winner will ultimately be determined by the superdelegates. WTF!? SUPERDELEGATES? They are apparently delegates of influence and power from within the party. Sounds like an example of "All are equal, but some are more equal than others."

A far better way to determine the winner of this race is through Rock Band. You heard me right: Rock Band! Barack Obama is a good speaker, but can he sing Paranoid or Creep in perfect pitch? Can Hillary Clinton jam on the guitar as well as her husband can play the sax? Will Hillary's experience help her maximize guitar-tilting bonuses?

If you're like me, you're tired of hearing the same old political rhetoric. Instead, we want to hear Obama and Clinton belting out the lyrics to Enter Sandman and Sabotage! Which candidate would step up and play lead guitar? Who would be stuck playing bass? Sound much more fun than a room full of superdelegates, doesn't it? Heck, we could even invite John McCain to play drums or (god forbid) sing the lyrics to Barbara Ann.

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