Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Canadian Coalition: Speak your mind

The fate of the federal government will be determined in the coming days. Events are happening quickly, so make sure your voice is being represented. Whatever your opinions are on this issue, I urge you to make it known to your Member of Parliament. They were elected a short time ago to be your voice in Parliament, so please make sure they know that your thoughts are.


Flocons said...

So the government is prorogued for now. The coalition will have to hold together until late January. We will see if it can last that long.

In fairness to the coalition, they have until then to strengthen their case to the Canadian people... but if this was a power grab as many have suggested, then alliances will grow restless over the coming weeks without the taste of power to satiate them.

In terms of Stephen Harper, his choice to prorogue is widely perceived as a "cut and run" strategy, which is unbecoming of a Prime Minister.

I believe Canadians want to see a 4-party coalition! All four federal parties working together and getting on with the business of government. Are your MP's really paid to yell at each around from opposite sides of a room? Or are they paid to pass laws and resolutions to improve our country as a whole?

Anonymous said...

Stop picking on Megatron. He didn't prorogue Parliment, the Governor General did. Rodimus and Wreckgar Dare you To Be Stupid and ask for an election instead of accepting their coalition. You MUST accept their coalition otherwise you will be wasting tax payer money on another election. Another election will be ALL YOUR FAULT! They are completely innocent!

Anonymous said...

I also encourage the 3 runners up of So You Think You Can Dance Canada to form a coalition and take the win from the actual winner. I'm sure the 3 of them got a 62% majority of the votes so that means they deserved to win it. They can split the $100,000 between themselves and take turns driving the Mercedes.