Monday, December 1, 2008

Dude, Where's My Country?

Canadian politics has never been as exciting as American politics. In the last election, Canada had their usually low voter turn out, and a fairly un-inspiring result: A minority government, reflecting that Canadians as a whole do not have a very strong affinity to any one particular party or agenda. South of the border, there was an unparalleled voter turn out and a very decisive victory. Voters were very passionate and clear in their message: America wants change.

So I woke up this week and discovered that my political world has been flipped upside-down. Canadian politics suddenly became interesting. Kudos to the new writers, because Canadian federal politics is looking like a season premiere of a TV show.
It's a story of a party's rise and struggle to stay in power. It's a story of unlikely allies uniting against a common enemy. It's a story of backroom deals and secretly taped-conversations. No matter how it all plays out, the fate of a country will be changed forever!

On a personal note, I'd like to say that this whole situation is pretty messed up. I never thought I would say this, but I would like to stick with Stephen Harper. Seriously, I would rather deal with the devil I know, than some 3-headed Cerberus that is part-Dion, part-Layton, and part-Duceppe. That's pure madness. Let me repeat that again... THAT'S PURE MADNESS!

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