Thursday, January 15, 2009

My bonus objectives in life

We all have things we must do in life and things we should do in life. In the craziness of it all, we forget about the bonus objectives... those outlandish off-beat things that we want to do, but usually forgo because of more pressing matters. I think it's important that we remember our bonus objectives in life. It's more important to write them down, so here it goes.

My Bonus Objectives in Life:
  • Finish a triathlon
    This is currently in progress, and coupled with my objective to learn how to swim.
  • Be on the cover of Now magazine
    This would be proof that I am culturally-relevant somehow... at least for a week. Yes it HAS to be Now! Not Eye. Not Toronto Life.
  • Audition for a reality TV show
    I'm thinking that easy options would be "Canadian Idol" or "So You Think You Can Dance Canada". Note that I don't necessarily have to pass my auditions.
  • Climb a mountain
    I was naively thinking about Everest, but it is quite crazy to climb. If finances ever permit, I would like to take a shot at Mount Kilimanjaro which is technically more easy than Everest, and very doable if I'm using oxygen tanks.
  • Be nominated for the Order of Canada
    All Canadian citizens are eligible for nomination as a candidate for the Order of Canada, but you cannot nominate yourself. So if someone would like to fill out a nomination form on my behalf, you can help me check this one off my list.
  • Own a gold bar
    Sadly, the crazy price of gold has made this impractical. There is also the security issue. I can't leave it in my home, otherwise somebody (Russell Oliver or Harold the Jewellery Buyer) will break into my home and take it.
  • Learn how to play the saxophone
    I have no musical talents, but I've been inspired by Lisa Simpson and Bill Clinton. Ultimately, I'd like to learn how to play tenor sax, but apparently most people start with alto sax. This will be a tough one since I don't even know how to read sheet music.
  • Participate in a competitive eating contest
    I've been a fan of the IFOCE and Major League Eating circuit. I'd like to watch a competition... and eventually compete in a contest just for the experience of it.
  • Eat Turducken
    A chicken stuffed inside a duck, stuffed inside a turkey. A friend of mine told me about at the local pub, and I've been fascinated by it ever since. If you know of a place in Toronto that offers this, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I played the tenor sax for 2 years in grade school. It's pretty easy! Learning to read sheet music is pretty easy, too. Go for it! (My wholesale lack of artistic talent should be proof that this is possible for anyone.)

Maybe you want to try to do a musical triathalon? I.e. play the saxophone while doing a triathalon? That's more Ray-style. I mean, you're aspiring to do *just* a triathalon? Is there enough risk of death in that for you?

Also, if you can't find turducken easily, you can get Denise to make Sefline, she's looking for an excuse to eat that.

celestialspeedster said...

Sadly, Sefline will require more muscle than it did back in October 2008, when at least one of the ingredients was still ensconced in the other.