Friday, January 30, 2009

A time for superheroes to cavort shamelessly with the living

There was some buzz about Barack Obama making a guest appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #583. This issue quickly sold out, because it is supposedly a collector's item. Maybe it is... but maybe it's not. I've collected a few comics in my day, and there is a lot of crap out there. In fact, guest appearances by real-life people are not such a big deal in comics. Most of the time, they lead to terrible plot lines that any self-respecting comic book fan would block out of memory forever. No need to fear... I've compiled a brief list of terrible comic book guest appearances to jog your repressed memories.

Spiderman and Stephen Colbert
I like Stephen Colbert, but that picture looks ridiculous.

Spiderman and Jay Leno
Damn... they'll team up Spiderman with anybody!

Spiderman and the Dallas Cowboys
Okay, I think we've firmly established that Spiderman will guest star with anyone. Let's move on.

Superman and JFK
Yes... it was rather convenient that JFK was "indisposed" after learning your secret identity, Superman. Faster than a speeding bullet, eh?

Superman and Mohammed Ali
WTF??? There better be a kryptonite horseshoe up your ass, or you're in for a world of hurt.

X-men and Pierre Trudeau
Trudeau announces his ignorance of the X-men to all his lackies...

Alpha Flight and Pierre Trudeau
Trudeau comforts Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight. What a charmer.

For your reference:

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