Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Google to China: The line must be drawn... here!

Google has finally had enough of the antics of the Chinese government. After yielding to censorship requirements when Google China was first set up a few years ago, the government has progressively been trying to add more restrictions to Google China. Well, the ethical line was crossed after the Gmail accounts of several human rights activists were hacked (by unknown parties... but honestly, we know who they are).

People were apparently surprised by Google's harsh response of threatening to pull the plug on it's China operations completely. Apparently, the Chinese government expected more ethical compromises and polite language from foreign companies looking to make gains into their market. I support Google's actions, and I say good for you! I think that a company whose informal motto is "Don't be evil" would have a hard time dealing with ethical compromises for better market share. It's good to know that at least one corporation out there still has a soul. Now thus far, Google has only indicated it's displeasure about the incident. It has yet to follow through with any action, and the Chinese government has yet to formally respond... It will be interesting how things will play out.

Good job, Google. I may buy a Nexus One phone after all.

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