Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Best of "The Cornelian Dilemma"

Like so many lazy sitcom writers, I've decided to re-use clips from previous blog postings and hash together a flashback episode. I've been busy lately, so I figured this was the best way to keep the blog lively and fresh: Recycle old content. Are you ready for a treat?

The forgotten legacy of Steve Fonyo

(Aug 29, 2009)

This is an incredible and tragic story about an incredible man who beat cancer, but ultimately could not overcome his own personal demons. As an update, Steve Fonyo has just been stripped of his membership in the Order of Canada this week. He was the Order of Canada recipient with the most criminal convictions, and this was the primary reason for taking the honour away from him. Personally, I think Steve Fonyo deserves the Order of Canada. He was given this award because he completed the Journey of Lives and raised millions of dollars for cancer research. His criminal convictions do not change these facts.

TTC: The Commission Strikes Back
(Nov 23, 2009)

My rants are most vicersal when directed at the TTC. Sadly, the state of transit affairs has not improved since this posting. TTC riders are still resentful of their transit system. Recently, a photo of a sleeping booth monkey has become the metaphor for a system that is inefficient and apathetic to it's customers.

We built Geocities... on rock and roll!
(Oct 12, 2009)

A sad moment in internet history for those who remember Geocities. Yahoo closed down the iconic Geocities neighbourhoods. I was sad because I'd lose some of my first websites... but happy because those first websites are a personal embarrassment to me. Because I had long forgotten my username and password, I could not log in and delete them. Thankfully, the shutting down of Geocities meant that these sites were gone forever... or were they? Devoted internet nostalgics have archived and saved Geocities websites (whatever they could save before Yahoo pulled the plug). You can find those sites on Reocities.com or a separate initiative called Geocit.ies.

Zombies are good for your brain: Part 2
(Apr 3, 2009)

The perfect fusion of Jane Austin and the undead, this blog post talks about the book "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" by Quirk Books. As an unofficial spokesperson for Quirk Books, I'm happy to inform you that Quirk Books will be donating 20% of all book sales to help Haiti. This reflects a lot of sense and sensibility on the part of Quirks Books, because they owe Haiti big time. You see, the very concept of zombies originates from Haitian folklore:

"In 1937, while researching folklore in Haiti, Zora Neale Hurston encountered the case of a woman who appeared in a village, and a family claimed she was Felicia Felix-Mentor, a relative who had died and been buried in 1907 at the age of 29. Hurston pursued rumors that the affected persons were given powerful psychoactive drug, but she was unable to locate individuals willing to offer much information."

Michael Kuss must be destroyed
(Jun 3, 2007)

This is not one of my greatest postings, but it seemed to have attracted a lot of attention from fellow Kuss-haters. There has been some recent shake-ups at CityTV. This month, they announced that they were letting go of several prominent CityTV personalities, including:
  • Anne Mroczkowski
  • Laura Di Battista
  • Pam Seatle
  • Merella Fernandez
  • Marianne Dimain
They will be missed by many viewers. Is it just me, or does this layoff list seem a little sexist? I don't think any prominent male CityTV personalities were let go during this round. Not that I am suggesting that they do lay off a male employee for gender equality (cough cough... KUSS). Seriously though, I was pretty shocked by this news. I hope they all find good opportunities at a media outlet that appreciates them better.


Anil U. said...

You should checkout: http://twitter.com/TTCSleeper


celestialspeedster said...

I think you're just trying to raise some capital by re-posting your most newsworthy topics, thereby increasing your hit numbers.

Regarding CTV, have you seen their usual news broadcast? Not only are they biased against women, they don't even like talking heads with a tan.

Anonymous said...

RE: TTC, my gripe below

Just last night (Feb 17, around 4:45pm) the northbound train slammed to a stop while between Q's Park and Museum....a bunch of people fell including an old lady who hit her head when she fell. No explanation from the TTC staff for the grinding halt, no announcements on the PA. The TTC staff who came to investigate the resulting alarm on our train for the injured woman was rude and didn't say why the train slammed to a stop either, even though it resulted in injury.

This morning (Feb 18, 8am) my train on the Danforth line bypassed Greenwood station...no announcement or explanation either and the people on the platform watching us go by looked as confused as the people on the train wanting to get off.

I realize buses are on a strict schedule too but in the past few weeks more than a few times on my way home from work I've had a driver slam the door shut in my face just as I'm about to get a foot on that first step or have my arm on the rail. I'd like to keep my limbs thank you.

No point in filing complaints as they get paid overtime to write their response reports, so it's actually encouraging them to be jerks.

Methinks the TTC War on Toronto Civilians has begun anew. Why? I have no idea. Can't wait for spring, crack out the bike again and tell the TTC to stick it for another season.