Friday, March 28, 2008

TTC workers: Worth a million?

It's that time again... It's time for me to talk about the ridiculous statements made by the TTC union when their contracts are about to expire. This time around, they have a big public relations campaign "educating" the public that each TTC worker is worth a million dollars to the city. I think it's laughable, but please check out the site yourself.

I could post more about this upcoming rhetoric about a TTC strike, but I don't believe it will come to a complete shutdown of service. I also believe I've covered this topic quite thoroughly in my previous TTC-strike-related posts throughout the years:
I would love to start a gallery of photos showing TTC workers slacking off on the job. It would be a nice injection of reality to balance out the staged public relation photos that we always see. If you would like to help out, send me a link to your photo and I will put it in my blog. (I don't think it will be too hard to catch them in the act.)


Anonymous said...

There's some quality non-service ethics for you, go TTC! The Toronto Transit Commission: "Propogating more BS than people they get to work (late) everyday"!!

Anonymous said...

To hell with the TTC. Bus drivers can't drive, they run reds and try to run you off the road if they can. They also block lanes for no reason whatsoever. The better way? BS. I drive because I can't stand their service.
