Saturday, September 27, 2008

The future of Iraq for the next 4 years

With the first presidential debate over, it has become obvious that the future of Iraq will depend on the results of these elections. Both McCain and Obama have different policies on how to handle Iraq. While there are a great multitudes of issues on this subject, I think the key issue that the American voter should be concerned about is pronunciation.

John McCain's position on this issue is that Iraq is pronounced "I-RACK". McCain has significant political experience, and as a former military man, it would be hard to believe that McCain would be unfamiliar with this word. However, given the Republican track record on Iraq, it wouldn't be surprising if they are wrong on pronunciation as well.

Barack Obama's position on this issue is that Iraq is pronounced "I-ROCK". Obama is admitted more worldly than his opponent, with significant exposure to other cultures around the globe. However, Obama's opponents have claimed that he suffers from arrogance, and his pronunciation could be a interpreted as a shameless self-promotion.

Clearly, Iraq is a key issue during these elections. Whoever wins the coming elections will determine the White House policy on Iraq pronunciation for the next 4 years... a very pivotal 4 years in the development of a foreign country that we are unsure how to pronounce properly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I asked an actual person from that country once. I will try to spell it out phonetically as best as I can:
