Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome: A new browser

Today was not a productive day at work.  My entire team are web-junkies, so we were all excited by Google's imminent release of their new web browser: CHROME.  We were so enthralled by this new development, that we even sifted through their silly cartoons describing all the new features and back end changes.  

On the surface, I can't say I'm comfortable with the Google minimalist style of the user interface.  I'm still trying to find out how to set my homepage.  I'm sure I'll get used to it in due time, and I do appreciate that minimalism means more real estate dedicated for the actual web pages.

I am excited about V8 for 2 reasons.  First, I want to see the lawsuit from the vegetable drink of the same name.  Secondly, our applications use Javascript like mad, so the speedy Javascript engine would help us a lot.  

Google has also included "Open Incognito Window" for people that visit sites they are ashamed of acknowledging publicly.  (Like this blog for instance.)  It looks like someone at Google has realized that the song from Avenue Q is true.  No... not that everyone is a little bit racist sometimes... the OTHER song.

Chrome is open-source, and it's Google's intention that the innovations in Chrome be adopted freely by other web browsers in order to improve the online experience as a whole.  I think this is pretty forward thinking, and I really do hope that Chrome is the catalyst of change for the other web browsers.  I am indirectly referring to Chrome's incompetent older sibling, Internet Explorer. That being said, I think that Mozilla Firefox is really the browser that will get hit the release of Chrome.  It's collateral damage, because Google and Mozilla have had a very good working relationship in the past.  It will be interesting to see how it all plays out when the dust settles.

Finally I like the little Chrome ball that they've chosen as a logo for the application.  I think it's because it reminds me of the ball version of the weighted companion cube from Portal.


celestialspeedster said...

I am fed up with how glitchy Internet Explorer how become and I hate it when Firefox constantly asks me whether I want my password remembered (for the 100th time, no!). Hopefully, Google Chrome will fulfill all my wildest dreams. I'm using it right now.

Anonymous said...

Great, just what I need. Another browser to have to test my code on.</sarcasm> I bet it doesn't recognize that tag either. When will they build a browser that will recognize the sarcasm tag?! I already have 4 browsers installed. Do I really need another?</rhetorical>

Anonymous said...

Nah, the chrome ball logo looks a lot more like Simon to me.

I mean the game Simon that was introduced in 1978.

Flocons said...

Good news. I figured out how to set my homepage in Chrome. It's in MonkeyWrench->options. Personally, I wouldn't mind it somewhere a bit more obvious. Umm... now how to I quickly return back to my homepage?

Anonymous said...

I decided to download Chrome, so now I can intelligently mock it. I think the Chrome logo looks like a cybernetic eye. Google is Skynet! AHHH!

Flocons said...

Your continued support of Opera is apparently not unwarranted:


Note that Opera won the points on usability, while Chrome won points on benchmark speed. On that note, I think I'm going to have to nerd-down my blog a bit for the next few posts.