Friday, October 17, 2008

So You Think You Can Lead... Canada

This blog has always suggested innovative ways of choosing world leaders. I've suggested the Democratic leadership race be decided by Rock Band. I've suggested future popes be chosen by a reality TV competition. Well, now there are rumours emerging that the Liberals may be looking for a new leader.

I have nothing against Stephane Dion. He's a decent and smart guy, but seems to lack the charisma and charm to capture the hearts of voters. This is why I propose that Liberals scrap their convoluted and expensive leadership convention process in favour of... a dance competition!

Similar to "So You Think You Can Dance Canada", you'll have to shake your booty on the dance floor to be the life of the (Liberal) party. This will certainly insure that the next Liberal leader will have plenty of charisma and charm.*

Can Michael Ignatieff dance the Argentinian tango with Martha Hall-Findlay? Will Bob Rae throw his hip out during his hip-hop solo? Will Dion come back to win it all with his off-the-wall break dance moves? Canadian voters would sure love to find out! So future leaders of the Liberal Party take note. If you want to win our hearts, you better start polishing off your dance moves.

* Somewhere right now, Jean Chretien is doing the running man in front of a full-length mirror.


Anonymous said...

So I just listened to Dion's speech and apparently, they lost because people bought into the Cons' propaganda. It wasn't really him stealing oil from the oil fields. It was Starscream dressed up as him.

Anonymous said...

Also, Stephane Dion would never appear on So You Think You Can Dance Canada because it is licensed to CTV. And Dion knows that CTV is secretly owned by Sean Burger, who's on the side of the Cons and they will only try to make him look stupid.