Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Starcraft II: You require more minerals!

In a previous post, I was filled with fanboy glee when I discovered that Blizzard was finally planning Starcraft II. In the world of RTS, Starcraft is still king of the genre, and Starcraft II doesn't look to disappoint. Well, except for one minor thing...

Blizzard has announced that Starcraft II will be released in three parts. Fan reaction is mixed on this. The official site explains that this is an artistic decision to allow them to fully develop rich story lines and beautiful cut scenes. I remain skeptical. I'm with those who believe that the Starcraft II trilogy is a cleverly designed cash grab to be executed in 3 parts.

Blizzard realizes that it has a loyal following of gaming junkies with deep pockets. World of Warcraft has been a cornucopia of easy cash for Blizzard, as pale sleep-deprived WoW players happily give Blizzard money in the form of monthly membership fees. (On that note, I think that MMORPG is a pretty toxic mix to throw into your social life. Remember: Friends don't let friends MMORPG.)

My point is this. Blizzard designs kick-ass games, but let's not get too cocky. I have ZERO interest in buying 3 installments of Starcraft II. You guys are great game designers and all, but if you're going to pull $#!+ like this on your fan base, then you can just shove a Diablo crystal where the sun don't shine. (By that, I mean the centre of your forehead.)

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