Sunday, January 18, 2009

Warning: Obama Fever Declared an Epidemic

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported an epidemic of Obama Fever affecting the whole of the United States of America. Obama Fever is an acute febrile infection that results in prolonged feelings of euphoria and hope. The first case of Obama Fever in the continental United States was reported on February 10, 2007. The number of Obama Fever cases has been rapidly increasing since that time.

Symptoms of Obama Fever

  • Sudden onset of fever
  • Unexplained compulsion to purchase low-quality T-shirts
  • Obsessive tendency to chant the phrase "Yes we can!"
  • Urge to travel to Washington D.C.
  • Symptoms will persist for 1 to 2 presidential terms

Causes of Obama Fever

  • Exposure to George W. Bush for 2 presidential terms
  • Economic meltdown in real estate and financial markets

Recommendations to prevent Obama Fever

  • Avert your eyes during news reports about Barack Obama
  • Refrain from purchasing Obama T-shirts and merchandise
  • Avoid travel to the D.C. area during January 2009
  • High risk individuals should consider vaccination

1 comment:

celestialspeedster said...

The only treatment for Obama Fever is to take an Obama Day. I believe John of Dymaxion World has already decided to take one.
My work place will set up an Obama support group by airing the inauguration in a seminar room so that people can gather to share the symptoms.