Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wedding season is now closed.

There was a time not long ago (2006 to be precise), when I didn't have the slightest clue about weddings. I stumbled through wedding planning with the help of my good friends and a trusty best man. Fast forward to 2009, and I am the (self-proclaimed) guru of weddings. I've attended EIGHT weddings this year, and I've had an organizational role (groomsman, usher, MC, DJ, decorations, set-up, clean-up) to play in almost all of them. It's one of the reasons why I did not have any spare time this spring/summer, but I have no regrets about helping friends when such a big undertaking.

One of the things I struggled to do was really try to keep each wedding "special" because it's an important day for the brides and grooms. It's very easy to think, "Not another wedding." It was tough, but I made the effort to "try to relive the magic," if you will. There is something about going to someone's wedding that brings you back to your own wedding day, after all.

Another thing I noticed is that at a few of my weddings, the groom's side didn't have a clue about what was going on. It was not a deliberate act of carelessness... but rather naive ignorance. As a former groom, I found that disappointing. I accept that a wedding day is an indulgence in fantasy for the bride (or her parents), but the groom and his friends represent half the equation. The groom's side should be actively involved in planning and preparation, because it is no small undertaking to blow more than $20,000 in the span of 24 hours. You guys better make sure it all happens smoothly.

I've seen a few couples throw weddings on a tight budget this year. I guess it's a sign of the times, but you know what? They weren't too bad, because they were selective and smart about where they spent money and where they cut costs. As a frugal man myself, I have to say that I was impressed. The key to a good wedding lies in the warmth that comes from the wedding couple, and not how much is spent on all "the stuff".

I'm pleased to say that wedding season is over for me. It will all start up again next spring, but I believe it won't be as crazy as this year. Royal Pinguo and I are ready to become professional wedding planners now, so if you want our help next year... we'll charge you a decent rate. :)

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